Results for 'A. de Wilde'

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  1. Living with Death.A. de Wilde - 1959 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 40 (3):260.
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  2. Personalism in the Netherlands.A. de Wilde - 1952 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 33 (4):360.
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    “A Heat Pump Needs a Bit of Care”: On Maintainability and Repairing Gender–Technology Relations.Mandy de Wilde - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1261-1285.
    As part of current energy transitions in the Global North, households have begun adopting renewable energy technologies, such as heat pumps and solar power systems, in significant numbers. These changes give rise to the following question: how are technology and gender configured when new technologies enter everyday life? Based upon ethnographic fieldwork on interactions between households, technologies, and technicians and interviews with sales technicians, installers, and service mechanics, I demonstrate how both stable and fragile variants of renewable energy technologies are (...)
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    Roman dictatorship in the French Revolution.Marc de Wilde - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (1):140-157.
    ABSTRACT This article seeks to explain why the Roman dictatorship, which had served as a positive model of constitutional emergency government until the French Revolution, acquired a negative meaning during the Revolution itself. Both Montesquieu and Rousseau regarded the dictatorship as a legitimate institution, necessary to protect the republic in times of crisis. For the French revolutionaries, the word ‘dictatorship’ acquired negative connotations: it became a rhetorical tool for accusing their political opponents of authoritarian rule. This article argues that Carl (...)
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    Enemy of All Humanity.Marc de Wilde - 2018 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 47 (2):158-175.
    Enemy of All Humanity: The Dehumanizing Effects of a Dangerous Concept In his contribution to this special issue, David Luban proposes to revive the age-old concept of ‘the enemy of all humanity.’ On his view, this concept supports the aims of international criminal justice by emphasizing that atrocity and persecution crimes are ‘radically evil’ and therefore ‘everyone’s business.’ Criticizing Luban’s proposal, this paper shows that in the past, the ‘enemy of all humanity’ concept has often served to establish parallel systems (...)
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  6. God hath given the world to men in common.Marc de Wilde - 2013 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 42 (1):8-28.
    ‘God Hath Given the World to Men in Common’ This article examines what limitations to private property John Locke recognizes to protect the rights of the poor. As has been pointed out in the literature, Locke’s ideas on the limitations to private property have been influenced by medieval discussions about the rights of the poor and the principle of extreme necessity. Confirming this interpretation, the article shows that Locke borrows the distinction between ‘ordinary need’ and ‘evident and urgent necessity’ from (...)
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    Silencing the laws to save the fatherland: Rousseau’s theory of dictatorship between Bodin and Schmitt.Marc de Wilde - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (8):1107-1124.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau devoted an important chapter of his Social Contract to the dictatorship. Carl Schmitt interpreted Rousseau’s chapter as marking the transition from ‘commissarial’ to ‘sovereign dictatorship’. This article argues that Schmitt’s interpretation is historically and conceptually inaccurate. Instead of paving the way for sovereign dictatorship, Rousseau carefully distinguished the dictatorship from the people’s sovereign authority. Taking position in the ‘debate’ between Bodin and Grotius on the relation between dictatorship and sovereignty, he argued that the dictator could provisionally suspend the (...)
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  8. Meeting Opposites: The Political Theologies of Walter Benjamin and Carl Schmitt.Marc de Wilde - 2011 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 44 (4):363-381.
    On 9 December 1930, Walter Benjamin sent a copy of his book The Origin of German Tragic Drama to Carl Schmitt, accompanied by a letter in which he expressed his indebtedness to Schmitt: "You will very quickly recognize how much my book is indebted to you for its presentation of the doctrine of sovereignty in the seventeenth century. Perhaps I may say, in addition, that I have also derived from your later works, especially Die Diktatur, a confirmation of my modes (...)
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    An Unpublished Manuscript of Hugo Grotius: ‘On Public Partnership with Unbelievers’ (De societate publica cum infidelibus): Introduction, Transcription and English Translation.Diederik Burgersdijk, Henk Nellen & Marc de Wilde - 2024 - Grotiana 45 (1):33-157.
    This introduction presents an analysis of Grotius’s treatise ‘On Public Partnership with Unbelievers’ (De societate publica cum infidelibus). It was probably written between 1606 and 1609, when Grotius served as a legal advisor of the Dutch East India Company (voc). In his treatise, Grotius explains what kinds of partnerships with non-Christians are permissible under divine and natural law. These include public partnerships, such as treaties and military alliances, but also private associations, such as commercial contracts, marriages and relations of servitude. (...)
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    Denouncing European integration: Euroscepticism as polity contestation.Hans-Jörg Trenz & Pieter de Wilde - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (4):537-554.
    The spreading phenomenon of Euroscepticism is manifested in critical practices in discourse that oppose European integration. This paper explores Euroscepticism as an element of discourse, which cannot only be measured as party positions or individual attitudes. Based on this understanding, our argument is twofold. Firstly, Euroscepticism relates to the unsettled and principally contested character of the European Union (EU) as a political entity: its basic purpose and rationale, its institutional design and its future trajectory. It correlates with pro-European discourse and (...)
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    Perceived Organizational Support and Workplace Conflict: The Mediating Role of Failure-Related Trust.Gaëtane Caesens, Florence Stinglhamber, Stéphanie Demoulin, Matthias De Wilde & Adrien Mierop - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:405147.
    The aim of the present research was twofold. First, we examined the effects of perceived organizational support on workplace conflict (i.e., relationship conflict and task conflict). Second, we identified one mechanism explaining these relationships, namely failure-related trust. Using a sample of 263 teachers from Belgium, the results of Study 1 indicated that perceived organizational support is negatively related to relationship conflict and is also, unexpectedly, negatively related to task conflict. Furthermore, using a sample of 477 Belgian employees, Study 2 replicated (...)
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    The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art: The Human Agenda (Special Edition).Jack Graveney, Alexander Kardos-Nyheim, Nadia Jahnecke, Aleksandra Violana, Alex Guard, Alex de Wild, Benjamin Keener, Daniel Morgan, Donari Yahzid, Hanine Kadi, Hannah Herbert-Owen, Helena de Guise, Jem Sandhu, Mishael Knight, Oona Lagercrantz, Ruairi Smith & Varda Saxena (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art.
    The Human Agenda is the first Special Edition of The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art (CJLPA), an interdisciplinary journal founded at the University of Cambridge. Focused on the unique intersections of law, politics and art in the context of human rights, contributors to the Special Edition include David Baragwanath, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Nadia Murad, Nancy Hollander, Andrew Clapham, Vladimir Osechkin, Mansour al-Omari, and many others. A full table of contents is available through the publication's own page.
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    (1 other version)De la política de la lengua a la lengua de la política. Cartas guaraníes en la transición de la colonia a la era independienteFrom the Policy of Language to theLanguage of Politics.Guarani Letters of the Transition from the Colony to the Independent Era.Ana Couchonnal & Guillermo Wilde - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (1).
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  14. (1 other version)Marin Cureau de la Chambre on the Natural Cognition of the Vegetative Soul: An Early Modern Theory of Instinct.Markus Wild - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (3):443-461.
    According to Marin Cureau de La Chambre—steering a middleway between the Aristotelian and the Cartesian conception of the soul—everything that lives cognizes and everything that cognizes is alive. Cureau sticks with the general tripart distinction of vegetative, sensitive, and intellectual soul. Each part of the soul has its own cognition. Cognition is the way in which living beings regulate bodily equilibirum and environmental navigation. This regulative activity is gouverned by acquired or by innate images. Natural cognition (or instinct) is cognition (...)
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  15. Berkeley's Theories of Perception: A Phenomenological Critique.John Wild - 1953 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 7 (1/2=23/24):134-151.
  16. Filosofie en de kering naar kunst.Tine Wilde - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (3):247-251.
    How do the pictures Wittgenstein and his relatives took during his life relate to his philosophical work? The exhibition at the Leopold Museum in Vienna in 2021 demonstrated a complex network of resemblances, overlaps, and cross-references between Wittgenstein’s way of working and the pictures he collected. In this essay, the network is used as an example to argue that a combination of philosophy and artistic sensibility might be a fruitful enrichment for a philosophical practise.
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    Unsicheres Wissen: Skeptizismus und Wahrscheinlichkeit 1550-1850.Carlos Spoerhase, Dirk Werle & Markus Wild (eds.) - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    In this book, authors from a variety of disciplines examine how the interpretative disciplines deal with the lack or loss of certainty for their signs and texts.
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    Embracing Imperfection.Lillian Wilde - 2017 - Philosophy Now 122:12-14.
    Plato’s dialogues, most notably the Phaedrus and the Symposium, mark the beginning of 2,400 years of written philosophical contemplations on love. Many lovers have loved since, and many thinkers have thought and struggled to understand. Who has never asked themselves the question: What is love? The various discussions since range from Aristotle to an abundance of contemporary philosophy and fiction on the topic. Alain Badiou’s In Praise of Love, Alain de Botton’s Essays in Love, and Byung Chul Han’s Die Agonie (...)
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    Animality and Contagion in Balzac’s Père Goriot.Travis Wilds - 2017 - Substance 46 (3):173-192.
    In his classic Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, Erich Auerbach famously cites the opening pages of Honoré de Balzac’s Père Goriot as emblematic of modern realism. With their minute description of the boardinghouse, where much of the novel’s action takes place, these pages emphasize physical setting, Auerbach argues, in a way new to Western literature. Yet Balzac’s descriptions are driven by something more than an ambition to represent “contemporary life” in scrupulous detail. In Auerbach’s view, the characteristic (...)
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  20. Friedrich Henrich Jacobi: a study in the origin of German Realism.Wilde & Norman Wilde - 1895 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 40:664-665.
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    Intuitionen, intuitiver Verstand und Intuition. Symposium zu: Eckart Förster: Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie.Markus Wild - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (6):1011-1018.
    Against Kant, Eckart Förster claims that Goethe’s methodology of intuitive understanding is a real possibility for us. Firstly, this essay shows that this methodology has to be strictly distinguished from the questionable use of intuitions in contemporary analytic philosophy; secondly, strong parallels between Goethe’s intuitive understanding and Bergson’s intuition are put forward. Both use intuitions as a tool to find essence concepts for natural kinds. Moreover, the parallels help naturalists to detach Förster’s important insight from the idealistic context.
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    Khôral Love? Kierkegaard and Derrida on Hospitality.Niels Wilde - 2020 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 3 (2):95-113.
    This paper explores the notion of hospitality and faith in Derrida and Kierkegaard. The aim is to trace the topological core of existence in relation to an ongoing debate in contemporary continental philosophy of religion about khôra. The paper shows how khôral traces are at work in Kierkegaard’s thinking in relation to the topological proximity of love. The claim is, that Kierkegaard emphasizes, not a hostility but a vulnerability of what I coin khôral love – the vibrating space between the (...)
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    A origem dos pombos domésticos na estratégia argumentativa de Darwin.Roberto de Andrade Martins - 2012 - Filosofia E Hist’Oria da Biologia 7 (1):91-116.
    In the first chapter of the Origin of species and in two chapters of the Variation of animals and plants under domestication, Darwin discusses the origin of domestic pigeons, claiming that all the known breeds were produced from a single species: Columba livia, the rock pigeon. The detailed defense of this point is of high relevance in Darwin’s argumentation strategy, since the differences between the several domestic breeds is so large that, if they were found in the wild, they could (...)
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    “ Why Should I Be Rational?”.Max Black & Oscar Wilde - 1982 - Dialectica 36 (2‐3):147-168.
    SummaryThe prevalent view that a question expressed by the interrogative title must be absurd and in no need of a reasoned response is rejected. Popper's contention that commitment to rationality has only an irrational basis is criticised. A preliminary attempt is made to resolve some genuine perplexities about the justification of rationality by invoking the notion of a “quasi‐rationality” shared by human beings and other animals. Ah appendix on the metaphor of support is attached.RésuméĽauteur rejette ľopinion prédominate selon laquelle la (...)
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    (1 other version)Hume on Force and Vivacity.Markus Wild - 2011 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 14 (1):71-88.
    Hume seems to have discarded with final causes and teleology. However, his invocation of a pre-established harmony between the course of nature and the succession of our ideas suggests otherwise. This paper takes Hume’s general strategy of shifting to the external perspective into account, and argues that the seemingly internal property of force and vivacity are, in fact, functional-teleological properties. Force and vivacity bears many explanatory burdens: It explains the difference between imagination and memory, between conception and belief, and it (...)
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    (1 other version)Hume über das Wahrnehmungsobjekt.Markus Wild - 2008 - In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild (eds.), Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Deutschland: de Gruyter. pp. 287-317.
    It seems to be self-evident that through perception we gain access to the material world. That visual perception takes an important role seems self-evident as well. But what exactly do we see? The objects themselves or just their perceptible properties? How do we manage to see something at all? Are we capable of seeing solely through optical and physiological processes or does viewing something asks for presupposed terms in order to help us to see something as something? These questions, currently (...)
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  27.  19
    Leibniz über Begriffe und ihr Verhältnis zu den Sinnen.Markus Wild & Dominik Perler - 2008 - In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild (eds.), Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Deutschland: de Gruyter.
    It seems to be self-evident that through perception we gain access to the material world. That visual perception takes an important role seems self-evident as well. But what exactly do we see? The objects themselves or just their perceptible properties? How do we manage to see something at all? Are we capable of seeing solely through optical and physiological processes or does viewing something asks for presupposed terms in order to help us to see something as something? These questions, currently (...)
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    The Concept of Existence.John Wild - 1966 - The Monist 50 (1):1-16.
    In this paper I shall be concerned with the new concept of existence that is emerging from recent phenomenology and existential philosophy. I shall begin by raising certain logical questions about this concept of existence. What kind of a concept is it? Does it possess any peculiar features which distinguish it from other concepts in normal use? It refers to something, our own existence, which we experience immediately or directly. Hence, in the second place, I shall examine the relation of (...)
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  29. Wild Et 13 Autres Auteurs, The Return To Reason. [REVIEW]A. Leroy - 1962 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 152:444.
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    Wilderness values in rewilding: Transatlantic perspectives.Linde De Vroey & Arthur R. Obst - forthcoming - Environmental Values.
    This article re-investigates the underlying values driving the rapidly growing rewilding movement in Europe and North America. In doing so, we respond to a common academic narrative that draws a sharp distinction between North American and European approaches to rewilding. Whereas the first is said to promote a colonial vision of wilderness, European rewilding is claimed to value a more inclusive notion of wildness. We challenge this narrative through a genealogical investigation into the wild(er)ness ideas that inspired rewilding, showing that (...)
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    Rewilding. A Pragmatist Vindication.José Manuel De Cózar-Escalante - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (3):303-318.
    The most alive is the wildest (Henry David Thoreau, Walking)Simply put, rewilding seeks to foster the wildness of an area or to return it to a previous state of wilderness1. Although there is no co...
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  32. A New Negentropic Subject: Reviewing Michel Serres' Biogea.A. Staley Groves - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):155-158.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 155–158 Michel Serres. Biogea . Trans. Randolph Burks. Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing. 2012. 200 pp. | ISBN 9781937561086 | $22.95 Conveying to potential readers the significance of a book puts me at risk of glad handing. It’s not in my interest to laud the undeserving, especially on the pages of this journal. This is not a sales pitch, but rather an affirmation of a necessary work on very troubled terms: human, earth, nature, and the problematic world we made. (...)
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    Wild Design: Gambiarra, Complexity and Responsibility.Monaí De Paula Antunes - 2023 - Environment, Space, Place 15 (1):88-115.
    This paper proposes different approaches to design, referring to gambiarra practices and artifacts and their relation to complexity theory, evoking critical theorists that take undecidability into account in order to link gambiarra to operations that breed complexity and responsibility. The word gambiarra comes from Brazilian slang and describes an intervention or artifact meant to provide a provisory solution to an unexpected event or crisis. This kind of alternative design differs radically from conventional design because it does not come from formally (...)
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    „Alt werden im Paradies“ – Die ethischen Aspekte der Migration von pflegebedürftigen Menschen.Christine Bally-Zenger, Lisa Eckenwiler & Verina Wild - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (2):133-148.
    ZusammenfassungSeit einigen Jahren erscheinen in deutschsprachigen Medien Beiträge, die einen neuen Trend in der Versorgung von langzeitpflegebedürftigen Menschen beschreiben: die Migration in ausländische Pflegeheime, insbesondere nach Thailand oder Ost-Europa. Diese Art der Migration wird kontrovers aufgenommen. Einige Medienbeiträge beschreiben diese Praxis u. a. als „Greisen-Export“, „gerontologischen Kolonialismus“ oder „inhumane Deportation“. Die Begriffe weisen darauf hin, dass diese Migration aus sogenannten High Income Countries in Low and Middle Income Countries aus ethischer Sicht problematisch sein könnte. Allerdings gibt es bislang keine wahrnehmbare (...)
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  35. “Os dentes afiados da Vida preferem a carne na mais tenra inf'ncia ”: Etnocartografar com olhos de besta.Marcos Ribeiro de Melo, Michele de Freitas Faria De Vasconcelos & Edson Augusto De Souza Neto - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-28.
    in this article, we experience the exercise of a screen ethnocartography in agency with the film Beasts of the southern wild by the director Benh Zeitlin. We tested a film experimentation that led to a renewed writing ways of life. We bet on cinema and childhood as possibilities for creating cracks and a stutter of language for the creation of new worlds and ways of living. In cinema images less as a representation, and more as art that proposes incompleteness, fissure, (...)
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  36. Intergroup Variation of Social Relationships in Wild Vervet Monkeys: A Dynamic Network Approach.Christèle Borgeaud, Sebastian Sosa, Redouan Bshary, Cédric Sueur & Erica van de Waal - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  37. Wild Side: Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni-Changes in a landscape through tourism and mining.Sarah Wintle - 2009 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 66:60.
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    The people versus the grandees: The paradox of Claude Lefort’s ‘populism’.Thomás Zicman de Barros - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    In recent decades, Claude Lefort has become a recurring reference point for mainstream authors hostile to populism. This article delves into the paradoxical character of Lefort’s own ‘populism’ to challenge these anti-populist approaches. It explores Lefort’s nuanced stance in which, despite his explicit rejection of populism, he nevertheless embraced social division and the empowerment of the people against the grandees. The analysis is divided into three parts. First, it presents Lefort’s objections to populism, echoed by scholars such as Marilena Chaui, (...)
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    Competency-oriented teaching of ethics in medical schools.Katja Kühlmeyer, Andreas Wolkenstein, Mathias Schütz, Verina Wild & Georg Marckmann - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (3):301-318.
    Definition of the problemThe upcoming reforms according to the specifications of the Master Plan 2020 provide for a competency-oriented restructuring of medical studies. This article aims to develop perspectives on how teaching ethics in medical studies can be more strongly oriented at building competencies. In this way, it pursues the goal of making the concept of competency more tangible for medical ethics and usable for the design of medical ethics education.ArgumentsWe understand competencies as dispositions for actions that enable problem solving. (...)
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  40. A Note on Leibniz's Wild Quantity Thesis.George Englebretsen - 1988 - Studia Leibnitiana 20 (1):87-89.
    Es läßt sich zeigen‚ daß Leibniz' These, singuläre Subjekte könnten in gleicher Weise entweder als partikulär oder universell verstanden werden ‚ eine Folgerung aus zwei anderen Leibnizschen Thesen ist: 1. daß die Wahrheit eines Satzes eine Sache der Enthaltensbeziehung zwischen der Denotation oder Bedeutung seines Subjekt-und Prädikatbegriffs ist, und 2. daß der Begriff des Individuums vollständig ist. Hieraus ergibt sich u. a.‚ daß die These der wilden Quantität verstanden werden kann als integraler Teil von Leibniz' allgemeinem logisch-metaphysischen Programm.
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    A. N. WhiteheadIsabelle Stengers (2011) Thinking with Whitehead: A Free and Wild Creation of Concepts, trans. Michael Chase, Cambridge and London: Harvard University PressDidier Debaise (2006) Un Empirisme spéculatif: Lecture de Procès et réalité de Whitehead, Paris: VrinA. N. Whitehead (2011) An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [paperback re-issue of 1955 reprint of 1925 2nd edn]A. N. Whitehead (2011) The Principle of Relativity with Applications to Physical Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [paperback re-issue of 1922 edn]. [REVIEW]Nardina Kaur - 2014 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 8 (4):542-568.
    Two books on Whitehead, a major study by the noted philosopher of science, Isabelle Stengers, and a shorter one by Didier Debaise are reviewed, along with two earlier mathematical and scientific works by Whitehead himself, which have been re-issued. This provides the basis for a wide-ranging discussion of the relationships between Whitehead's love of poetry and Heidegger's approach to it, Whitehead's background in mathematics and theoretical physics and his attitude to empirical science and more general problems of the philosophy of (...)
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    Rethinking the Encounter Between Law and Nature in the Anthropocene: From Biopolitical Sovereignty to Wonder.Vito De Lucia - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):329-349.
    The rise of the idea of the Anthropocene is promoting multiple reflections on its meaning. As we consider entering this new geological epoch, we realize the pervasiveness of humankind’s deconstruction and reconstruction of the Earth, in both geophysical and discursive terms. As the body of the Earth is marked and reshaped, so is its idea. From a hostile territory to be subjugated and exploited through sovereign commands, the Earth is now reframed as a vulnerable domain in need of protection. The (...)
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  43. Voorbij de goede bedoelingen.Rein de Wilde - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    Readings in Existential Phenomenology. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):389-390.
    This book of readings would make a superb ancillary text for an advanced or even graduate course in "existential phenomenology." Twelve of the twenty-two selections have been translated for the first time into English. This includes Sartre's defense of the major theses of Being and Nothingness before the Société française de philosophie and Ric£ur's similar defense of La Philosophie de la Volonté, I before the same body. As with Merleau-Ponty's similar defense, "The Primacy of Perception," also included in this volume, (...)
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    Varieties of Nonreading.Thibault De Meyer - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (3):403-404.
    Bayard's book appeared in 2007. Word of mouth about it probably reached me at the time, but it did not catch my attention until the day (in 2012, if I am not mistaken) that a young professor, on the verge of burnout, told me how reading it had functioned for him as a kind of therapy. Though a voracious reader, he found himself confronted by ever more recommendations for reading, some from reviewers whose suggestions were felt as obligations and sounded (...)
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  46. Towards understanding the impacts of the pet food industry on world fish and seafood supplies.Sena S. De Silva & Giovanni M. Turchini - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (5):459-467.
    The status of wild capture fisheries has induced many fisheries and conservation scientists to express concerns about the concept of using forage fish after reduction to fishmeal and fish oil, as feed for farmed animals, particularly in aquaculture. However, a very large quantity of forage fish is being also used untransformed (fresh or frozen) globally for other purposes, such as the pet food industry. So far, no attempts have been made to estimate this quantum, and have been omitted in previous (...)
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    Oases of the Baja California peninsula as sacred spaces of agrobiodiversity persistence.Rafael de Grenade, Gary Paul Nabhan & Micheline Cariño Olvera - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):455-474.
    Oases have served as sacred landscapes and sources of ritual plants in arid regions of the Old and New Worlds. We evaluate the Jesuit mission oases of the Baja California peninsula for their role in agrobiodiversity persistence, and extend theories of sacred landscapes and biodiversity conservation to agricultural species and practices. Jesuit missionaries on the peninsula introduced a suite of crops species and agricultural and water management systems that persist in the oases and have become an integral part of the (...)
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  48. De politiek van de straat.Peter Peters En Rein de Wilde - forthcoming - Krisis.
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    Paternal Inheritance of Mitochondrial DNA May Lead to Dioecy in Conifers.Tom J. de Jong & Avi Shmida - 2024 - Acta Biotheoretica 72 (2):1-33.
    In angiosperms cytoplasmic DNA is typically passed on maternally through ovules. Genes in the mtDNA may cause male sterility. When male-sterile (female) cytotypes produce more seeds than cosexuals, they pass on more copies of their mtDNA and will co-occur with cosexuals with a neutral cytotype. Cytoplasmic gynodioecy is a well-known phenomenon in angiosperms, both in wild and crop plants. In some conifer families (e.g. Pinaceae) mitochondria are also maternally inherited. However in some other families (e.g. Taxaceae and Cupressaceae) mtDNA is (...)
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    Walter Benjamin's Anti-Idolatrous Politics: Martel's Divine Violence and Textual Conspiracies.Marc de Wilde - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (3).
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